Please Don’t be Misled

Part of our raison d’être is to provide you with accurate information. That includes warning you off information that is inaccurate. This post at All About Law is inaccurate. I’d not trouble with it if, it wasn’t a big website,...

Filling In the Form

Inspired by @MTStudents’ event last night, for the first time in ages I want to write about pupillage and how to get it. For those who missed it, the ‘speed dating’ event allowed you up to 8 visits to barristers, each lasting 10 minutes. Each visit allowed you...


The Portal is about to open and already the air is filled with the almost soundless susurration of steadily sharpening quills. I thought it might help to go through the standard questions on the form. Most Chambers do not say what they are looking for in anything like...


I have been wondering what Chambers could do to improve the process of applying. Firstly, they could make clear what they are looking for and how they assess it. If you apply for a Recordership or for Silk you are given a list of ‘competencies’ you have to...

Integrity – The Man Speaks

Mr Myerson, The following comments refer to the blog ‘Integrity and a Suitable Place for It’ posted on your website on March 31st, 2009. The blog is both highly deceptive and defamatory and we demand its immediate removal, the deletion of associated...