
As the question of Olpas rears its ugly head again, I thought I would try and inject some reality into the perennial ‘do I have to have an Oxbridge degree?’ debate. The Answer is ‘No – but it helps’. I can say this with some confidence...

The Chance of Success

Pupillages and tenancies are being hurled around like confetti for those lucky few – to whom we (all of us being nice enough to rejoice in the joys of others) extend our congratulations: and the Bar is drawing its feelers in for the unlucky many. These are...

Decision Time

And the Trumpet waxed exceeding loud (Exodus 19:19 – look it up): the pupil called (I digress only slightly) and Chambers responded with a voice (ditto). And, hopefully, the voice says ‘it’s you’. It’s that time of year again. Having...

Mature Entrants

The question of whether a mature entrant has an equal chance of obtaining a pupillage has been a fairly frequently asked question, so I thought I would address it in a post. Yes. That answer applies generally to the three main classes of people who ask it –...

Wigs (Updated)

The public want us to keep them, so we probably will. I can’t say I get terribly excited about this and I voted to get rid of them in civil cases, largely because I find the whole outfit so uncomfortable. I suspect that if they went, within a couple of months,...